
Step 1: View access keys

Once you have purchased your PoST data you will receive a link to your access keys which you will need to download your data. The link will contain the following information.

    "endpoint": "",
    "app-id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "qsmesh-id": "xxxxxxxx",
    "remote-path": "qsmesh/xxxxxxxx",

If you have not received an access link please contact us with your order number.

Step 2: Download your data

Using WinSCP (Windows only)

If you are on Windows a quick way to download your data is using WinSCP. You can follow the steps below or watch the video instructions provided.

  1. Download and install WinSCP.
  2. Create a new session and select Amazon S3 as the 'File protocol'
  3. Using your access keys enter your endpoint under 'Host name', app-id under 'Access key ID' and app-key under 'Secret access key'.
  4. Click Login to connect to the server then click Open directory and enter the remote-path found in your access key file (in the form: /qsmesh/xxxxx). DO NOT directly open the qsmesh directory since you will get a 'connection failed' error.
  5. Copy all the data to your local drive. To make the download go faster click Run in background then click Customize and set the Maximum number of transfers to 8.

Using rclone (cross platform*)

Another reliable way to download your data is by using the command line utility rclone.

  1. Download the latest version of rclone or if you are using Linux your can run the following command to install rclone automatically.
                    sudo -v ; curl | sudo bash
  2. Create an new remote using the access keys from Step 1.
                    rclone config create remote b2 account <app-id> key <app-key>
  3. Copy the data to your local drive making sure you use the remote-path specified in your access keys. Note that rclone will automatically resume if it is restarted during a transfer.
                    rclone copy remote:<remote-path> <local-path> -P --fast-list --transfers=16
* On Windows you will need to use the path to rclone.exe instead of directly calling rclone

Step 3: Start Smeshing

Once you have downloaded your PoST data you are ready to start mining on the Spacemesh network.

More detailed instructions will be provided soon, but for now please follow the Spacemesh docs below.